Det har tatt sin tid å få denne ferdig, men endelig synes jeg den ble ok nok til å legge ut. Denne gangen har jeg tatt med en del spisse greier, derfor bør du øke "threshold" med omtrent 20-30 når du laster bildet inn i ROBOMaster. Dette for å sikre at f.eks. ikke gaffelen ender opp med to lange og to korte spisser. Hvis du ikke bryr deg så hardt om sånt, så trenger du ikke justere noe. Uansett håper jeg denne også kan være til glede og nytte!
It took a while for me to finish this, but finally I thought it good enough to publish. This time I've included some rather pointy stuff, so you ought to increase "threshold" by approx. 20-30 when you load the image into ROBOMaster. This to ensure that ex. the fork doesn't end up with two long points and two short ones. If you don't care about such things, then you won't need to adjust anything. Anyway, I hope this one as well is useful and enjoyable!
torsdag 4. oktober 2007
søndag 26. august 2007
Scallops og piler
Scallops (tunger/pyntebord) har vært i vinden en stund, det samme har piler. Derfor har jeg laget dette settet med diverse pynteborder og piler. Bordene uten huller kan du hulle selv i ROBOMaster, slik at du får den størrelsen på hullene som du selv ønsker. Eller du kan la være å hulle de, og heller dekorere de med noen enkle pennestrøk. La kreativiteten bestemme!
Scallops and arrows has been popular for a while now. That's why I made this set with different types of scallops and some arrows. The scallops without holes in them are made that way for you to make your own holes in the size you want. To do this, you can use ROBOMaster. Or you can decide not to make holes and decorate with a pen in stead. Let your creativity decide!
Scallops and arrows has been popular for a while now. That's why I made this set with different types of scallops and some arrows. The scallops without holes in them are made that way for you to make your own holes in the size you want. To do this, you can use ROBOMaster. Or you can decide not to make holes and decorate with a pen in stead. Let your creativity decide!
søndag 12. august 2007
Et nytt bidrag. Denne gangen de evig populære filmstripene. Jeg har laget et sett med to striper, en ferdig med plass til tre kvadratiske bilder, en annen uten bilderuter slik at du selv, i f.eks. ROBO Master, kan lage bilderutene så brede som du ønsker. Eller du kan rett og slett kutte den ut som den er og bare lime bildene på toppen. Så slipper du i streve med rutene.
A new contribution. This time the ever so popular filmstrips. I've made a set with two strips, one all ready to use, with squares for three pictures, and another without squares. This to give you the freedom to create these squares yourself in ex. ROBO Master in the size that fits your project. Or you may just cut it without any squares, and simply glue the pictures on top of the strip. Then you don't have to measure and cut to make it all fit.
Klikk på bildet for å laste ned full størrelse.
Click the image to download the full size version.
A new contribution. This time the ever so popular filmstrips. I've made a set with two strips, one all ready to use, with squares for three pictures, and another without squares. This to give you the freedom to create these squares yourself in ex. ROBO Master in the size that fits your project. Or you may just cut it without any squares, and simply glue the pictures on top of the strip. Then you don't have to measure and cut to make it all fit.

Click the image to download the full size version.
lørdag 11. august 2007
Her er et nytt design jeg har jobbet en stund med. To versjoner av Norgeskartet! Et mer detaljert, og et med jevnere kanter, så tar det ikke så lang tid for maskina å kutte ut. Håper å få se denne i bruk!
Here's a new design I've been working on for a while. Two maps of Norway! One a bit simpler than the other, to make it faster for the Craft Robo to cut. I hope to see this one in a craft project!
Klikk på bildet for å laste ned full størrelse.
Click the image to download the full size version.
Here's a new design I've been working on for a while. Two maps of Norway! One a bit simpler than the other, to make it faster for the Craft Robo to cut. I hope to see this one in a craft project!

Click the image to download the full size version.
mandag 30. juli 2007
Hvorfor ikke smi mens hjernen er varm? Så vær så god! Her er et sett med åtte tag'er i forskjellige varianter av eget design. Håper de faller i smak!
I thought; why not keep up the good work while I'm first at it? So here's another one! A set with eight different tags of my own design. Hope you like them!
Klikk på bildet for å laste ned full størrelse.
Click the image to download the full size version.
I thought; why not keep up the good work while I'm first at it? So here's another one! A set with eight different tags of my own design. Hope you like them!

Click the image to download the full size version.
Siden jeg nå var så godt i gang, og jeg fikk en forespørsel, laget jeg likesågodt en til. Denne gangen diverse blomster som du kan mixe og leke med. Håper de faller i smak!
Here's another one. This time it's flowers you can mix and play with. Hope you enjoy them!
Klikk på bildet for å laste ned full størrelse.
Click the image to download the full size version.
Here's another one. This time it's flowers you can mix and play with. Hope you enjoy them!

Click the image to download the full size version.
Straight notes
Da har jeg laget min første fil jeg legger ut til nedlastning for alle. Denne har jeg kalt "Straight notes" fordi den inneholder helt vanlige noter. Håper noen har behov for denne :o)
This is my first design for you to download. I've named it "Straight notes", because that's what it is. My hope is that someone can find a use for it :o)
Klikk på bildet for å laste ned full størrelse.
Click the image to download the full size version.
This is my first design for you to download. I've named it "Straight notes", because that's what it is. My hope is that someone can find a use for it :o)
"straight notes_NEdesign.gif"

Click the image to download the full size version.
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